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Marina Mata Rodriguez

Traductora y experta en Localización (EN>ES)
5 projects
  • Suggested rate
    €111 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Marina's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Algeciras, AN, España
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set
Marina in a few words
English to Spanish Professional Translator and Software Localization Expert, with a strong academic background

🎓 BA in Translation and Interpreting (English-Spanish)
🎓 MA in Software Translation, Web/App Localization, and Multimedia Products
🎓 Course on Spanish Orthography and Grammar for Translators
🎓 Certificate of Proficiency in English
🎓 MEd in Teacher Training in Secondary Education and Languages (ENGLISH)
🎓 MBA in Foreign Trade

🙋 Spanish native speaker, born and grown up in SPAIN | Bilingual user of ENGLISH

📌 Website/App localization, IT and Software localization
📌 Marketing materials (landing pages, banner ads, keywords, SEO)
📌 Economic and Financial Translation (FinTech, Stock Market, blockchain, cryptocurrencies)
📌 Technical documentation (user guides, manuals, brochures, handbooks, leaflets)
📌 Audiovisual and Online content (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram)

📌 Education (courses, online training, e-learning, diplomas, academic transcripts, tutorials)
📌 E-commerce (Amazon listings, eBay products)
📌 Subtitles, transcriptions, and captions (audio and video)
📌 AI Training (AI Prompt Creation, AI Prompt Adaptation, AI Response Validation, AI Prompt Translations, Prompt Recording in Spanish, Text to speech)

✅ Full-time freelance translator
✅ 12+ years of experience in the field
✅ European Spanish (Castillian) / Spanish from Spain / Neutral Spanish native speaker
✅ Impeccable command of Spanish grammar, spelling and syntax
✅ Bilingual user of English
✅ Excellent understanding of cultural nuances in both languages
✅ Eagle eye for detail
✅ Good level of SEO and online content optimization
✅ Great transcreation and copywriting skills
✅ Ability to work under tight deadlines and autonomously

I strongly believe that offering high quality at a reasonable price is POSSIBLE. ⚖️

Sounds good?


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