- NumanTechnical LeadSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGOctober 2021 - Today (3 years and 4 months)City de Londres, Reino UnidoTechnical and development lead of the medical component, written in Django. Dockerized backend and the standard Django frontend, deployed in Heroku. Main features focused on process automation for the clinical team.
- Freelance | Self-employmentSoftware EngineerSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGAugust 2014 - Today (10 years and 7 months)Home-working (Madrid - London)Design and development of software projects, mostly as a side job. Some of them include Python web services and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) systems for Roselin, Python and C# web services for GreConsult, and ML training for Neueda. Lately I've been involved in AI consultancy, including topics as NLP (prompting, chatGPT...)
- KeepCodingMachine Learning InstructorEDUCATION & E-LEARNINGOctober 2019 - Today (5 years and 5 months)Home-workingInstructor of the Machine Learning module in the Big Data & Machine Learning Bootcamp. Curriculum: fundamentals of ML, supervised learning, regularization, feature selection, SVMs, Boosted Trees, Decision Trees, Bagging, Random Forests, metrics in ML.
Eric B. and 3 other people have recommended Rubén
Es un gran formador, atento, implicado y con excelentes conocimientos
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