- FolkhalsomyndighetenUX designerBIOTECHNovember 2022 - Today (2 years and 3 months)Estocolmo, ST, SueciaUX designer for the Public Health Agency of Sweden. Improving the UX of a monitoring program for infectious diseases, simplifying the uploading, analysis, and storage processes for test data from Clinical Microbiology laboratories.
- LH+PUX DesignerSeptember 2022 - Today (2 years and 6 months)Stockholm, SwedenClients: ReadSpeaker• Design lead• User research• User interviews• Workshopping• Wireframing• UI design FASS• Design lead• UX design• UI design• Design system and component library• Workshop facilitation• Prototyping• User testing Folkhälsomyndigheten (Swedish Public Health Authority)• User experience design• User interface design• UX research• Prototyping
- Riksbyggen - Rum för hela livetUX DesignerJanuary 2022 - June 2022 (5 months)Stockholm, SwedenDesigned a subscription platform to automate the sign-up process for Home Owner Associations' digital services. Key achievement: Surpassed the six-month target of 500 sign-ups a month after launching!
- Bachelor's degree, Interaction designLinnaeus University2018Bachelor's degree, Interaction design
- Bachelor of Science in Construction ManagementKTH Royal Institute of Technology2012Associate's degree, Construction Management