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Julià Pujol Ardèvol

data engineer & analytics consultant
13 projects
5 recommendations
  • Suggested rate
    €667 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate87%
  • Response time4 hours
The project will begin once you accept Julià's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Barcelona, España
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Barcelona (up to 50km)
  • and around Barcelona (up to 100km)
  • and around Madrid (up to 100km)
  • and around Valencia (up to 100km)
  • and around Sevilla (up to 100km)

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Skill set
Julià in a few words
Consultor de Analítica Web/App y Data Engineer con mas de ocho años de experiencia en España, Reino Unido y Emiratos Arabes Unidos.

Experto en implementaciones analíticas, gestión de tags y data layers tanto a nivel técnico (hands on) como a nivel de estrategia. Experiencia con la mayoría de las herramientas de analítica web del mercado (Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, GTM, Segment, Tealium...). También tengo experiencia con muchas de las herramientas de visualización y análisis de datos como Tableau, Data Studio, Looker...

Especializado como Data Engineer/Architect (Python & SQL), sobretodo en Google Cloud - BigQuery, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, App Engine, Cloud SQL, Cloud Functions, Cloud Dataproc, Cloud Composer... Hands on en diseño, gestión, programación y entrega de proyectos de Big Data.

Ademas tengo un extenso conocimiento del Ad Tech ya que durante una gran parte de mi carrera laboral he estado trabajando para grandes agencias de medios. Domino a la perfección JavaScript, Node, Python y SQL.

Orientado a resultados y ajustado a timelines.
  • Uptimal
    Ad Technology Engineer | Founder
    January 2020 - Today (5 years and 1 month)
    Barcelona, España
    Uptimal is an independent Marketing & Ad tech consultancy. In an increasingly complex technology ecosystem we help advertisers maximize their investment in marketing & ad technology by: providing an independent fact-based assessments of how the digital media bought by a third party performs (Digital Media Audits); guiding advertisers in their technology decisions (Digital Strategy); using the latest AI technology to analyze their data; and by automating their marketing processes.
    Marketing Web analytics Cloud computing JavaScript Python Google Analytics Google AdWords Google Tag Manager Big Data Data Engineer
  • Essence - GroupM
    Lead Data Architect
    August 2018 - August 2019 (11 months)
    City de Londres, Reino Unido
    Review, evaluation and design of data services. Physical and logical data models and high quality data architecture implementations. Designs and development of database systems and data flows, together with their corresponding data models and high-level information architecture.

    Identification of key data sources from target systems to meet project requirements, construction of data quality control solutions, data flow diagrams and ETL pipelines designs to support high-quality reporting, analytics and BI.

    Managing and review of data, including daily data updates, review, and evaluation; query revision; data scrubbing; code modifications and construction; design and implementation of Data Dictionaries and Data Standards. Developing strategies for data acquisition, privacy, retention/archiving, replication, warehousing and quality.

    Establishing, maintaining and documenting database and data model standards.
    Google cloud Big Query Hadoop Python Visualización de datos SQL ETL Spark
  • Annalect - Omnicom Group
    Data Engineering and Architecture Director
    March 2016 - August 2018 (2 years and 5 months)
    Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
    As a Data Engineering and Architecture Director, I am responsible of define and build the Big Data tech stack for Omnicom Media Group in MENA region. Partnering with OMG Media agencies to understand and meet clients and agencies requirements.

    Building a team to support bespoke data pipelines to accomplish two main objectives: cost reduction and efficiency increase. As a team, we also offer Data Engineering and ETL to support Advanced Analytics and Data Science initiatives.

    Hands-on manager of the team. Created data workloads on Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Tasks (Queue and Cron Jobs), BigQuery, App Engine (PHP/Python), Compute Engine, Dataprep, Dataflow (Python Apache Beam 2.4.0) and Cloud Storage.

    Design of the first and second party web/app data structures for our MENA clients and partners. Leading a team that defines, designs, oversees and implements these solid data structures through custom Data Layers and Tag Manager Solutions, allowing our clients and partners to take the absolute control of their data.

    These structures enable to send all digital business data to different platforms such as Digital Analysis Platforms (Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics), Data management Platforms (DMP, such as Annalect DMP or others), DSPs and Behavioural tools.
    Google cloud Google App Engine Google Analytics Google Tag Manager Adobe Analytics JavaScript Python Compute Engine Big Query Tableau Google Data Studio Tealium Segment Ad Tech DSP
13 projects on Malt
  • Quality

  • Respects deadlines

  • Communication


Konstantinos-Accenture Spain - Marketing Operations


Julia is a great contribution to our team and always great to work with him. He effectively communicates technical topics to non-technical audiences and is a true expert in Tealium iQ and Adobe Analytics among many other technical areas. I will be on long leave soon, but I would love to work with Julia again in the future!




Ha sido un placer colaborar con Julià en un proyecto de medición web. Julià nos ha ayudado a implementar un plan de medición a medida con total diligencia y cumpliendo con las necesidades requeridas. A pesar de que el proyecto se dilató más de lo planteado inicialmente, y que hubo cambios respecto a las plataformas que debíamos utilizar, supo adaptarse a nuestras necesidades y pudimos realizar el proyecto con éxito. El proyecto requería nociones de Google Analytics, Data Studio y analítica web.

5 recommendations

Mònica Olivé and 4 other people have recommended Julià

Mònica OlivéMO
Mònica Olivé
Grupo Planeta
This is one recommendation it is a pleasure to write. Julià brings a very special combination of skills to the workplace. He understands business needs and combine those capabilities with his current superior technical and analytical knowledge.

He loves and enjoys his work, which makes him a great addition for any company looking for a hard working, smart, precise leader who combines a healthy professional ambition with a full team collaboration mentality.

In addition, he is a fun, likable person and is much appreciated by his peers. I would definitely work with him again in the future.
Merin RijoMR
Merin Rijo
I consider it as a privilege to have worked with Julia for almost two years at Annalect. He is a very talented and gifted professional. He is extremely technical and so enthusiastic that he always gets to the bottom on things and assess everything inside out. If Julia wants to make something work, he will make it work by hook or crook. He has also been an absolutely amazing and supportive colleague. He would always go beyond his responsibilities to support and help his colleagues which was always very well appreciated. He is always thirsty for knowledge, hardworking and committed. What more could you ask for....
Charles GemayelCG
Charles Gemayel
Julià was my mentor during my time at Annalect and I learned so much from him. He is the most professional, dedicated and hardworking person I have ever met. He is an expert in his field and he always manages to solve a problem, even if it seems impossible. I highly recommend working with him!
  • Degree - Computer Applications Development (DAI)
    Vidal i Barraquer
  • Bachelor - Business Administration (BBA)
    Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Postgraduate Degree - Web/App Analytics
  • Master - Digital Business