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Juan Núñez

Full Stack Developer | Typescript | React | NodeJs
  • Suggested rate
    €470 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate88%
  • Response time12 hours
The project will begin once you accept Juan's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Madrid, España
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Juan in a few words
Full Stack Developer | Typescript | React | NodeJs

Domains where I have been working:
- SaaS
- ECommerce
- News/Media

Key technologies and frameworks I use:
Typescript, React, NodeJs, Redux, Next.js, NestJs, Jest, SAAS (CSS), Tailwind, Git, RabbitMQ, Docker, GitHub, GH Actions, AWS,, Capacitor.js, IONIC framework

Design patterns and principles I like to be aligned with:
- Hexagonal architecture
- Twelve-factor app principles

Type of projects I have addressed:
- SaaS multitenant backend (NestJs with microservices)
- Custom local OAuth2.0 backend module (NestJs with microservices)
- E-commerce backend (NodeJs + Express with Typescript)
- E-commerce app with (Next.js)
- Event manager SaaS application (React + Redux)
- OTT platform (Next.js)
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    January 2016 - Today (9 years and 1 month)
    Madrid, España
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    - Define architectural and design patterns
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    - Performance and SEO optimizations
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    - Addressing refinement sessions
    - Code review and pair programming
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  • Aportia Consulting S.L.
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    Zaragoza, Spain
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    - Diseño web
    - Optimizar posicionamiento en buscadores (SEO)
    - Investigación de mercado
    - Realización de presentaciones e informes
  • Grado: Marketing e investigación de mercados
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