- EY EspañaSenior Data ScientistAVIATION & AEROSPACEApril 2023 - Today (1 year and 10 months)Madrid, España
- EdnonData ScientistINTERNET OF THINGS (IOT)October 2021 - April 2023 (1 year and 6 months)Madrid, EspañaPredictive Maintenance (Naval):-Description: IoT project using supervised and non-supervised learning.-Technologies and tools: MySQL, Python, PySpark, MLFlow, MQTT, InfluxDB, Grafana.Recomendation System (Legal):-Description: Clustering and NLP project for user search optimization.-Technologies and tools: MySQL, MongoDB, Pentaho PDI, R, Python, AWS.
- AltiaData ScientistPUBLIC SECTORFebruary 2020 - October 2021 (1 year and 8 months)Madrid, EspañaTax System (Public)-Description: Web development, analysis and visualization project.-Technologies and tools: Oracle DB, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PowerBI.
Lara Andrea Neira Gonzalez and 6 other people have recommended José Ramón
- Grado en MatemáticasUniversidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)2020
- Master Data ScienceMadrid Business Intelligence Technology School2021
- Master Inteligencia ArtificialUniversidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU)2022
- Scrum ManagerScrum Manager2020
- PythonOpenWebinars2020
- ROpenWebinars2020