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Jose R.

Fullstack developer Kotlin-Java / Spring / Angular
  • Suggested rate
    €350 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate50%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Jose's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Barcelona, España
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Barcelona (up to 10km)

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Jose in a few words
Tengo sólidos conocimientos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en microservicios API REST y librerías de componentes comunes o modulares con Spring boot, diseñadas para ofrecer escalabilidad y respuesta estable a la alta demanda.

He participado en la creación de funcionalidades como: notificaciones móviles, colas de mensajería, cuestionarios personalizables, motor de recomendaciones, integración con APIs de terceros para recuperar datos de seguimiento de usuarios, balanceador de carga, descubrimiento de servicios, seguridad, API gateway, CDN, videollamada, chat y proxy inverso, entre otras.

En el ámbito de back-end he trabajado con: Java 11, Kotlin 1.7, Spring Boot 2.7, Zuul API Gateway y Spring Gateway, Gradle y Maven para la definición y construcción, Feign clients para comunicar microservicios, Eureka service discovery para detectar nuevos servicios y balancear la carga entre ellos, Nginx reverse proxy para establecer reglas de redireccionamiento o balancear la carga, RabbitMQ como cola de mensajería, REDIS como memoria caché, Elasticsearch para la búsqueda mediante índices, Firebase cloud messaging para el envío de notificaciones push, etc.

En el terreno front-end tengo conocimientos avanzados de Angular en sus últimas versiones +8. He creado aplicaciones web, altamente modulares, minimalistas e intuitivas integrando componentes de terceros y redefiniéndolos o creando propios. Tengo experiencia en el manejo de estilos tanto CSS como SASS.

También poseo conocimientos de DevOps para el despliegue de estos microservicios en contenedores Docker con jobs de Jenkins encargados de la automatización de diferentes procesos: ejecución de scripts de migración con Flyway, test unitarios con JUnit, análisis de código con SonarQube, creación de la imagen de Docker y subida al correspondiente Docker registry y finalmente despliegue de la aplicación. He trabajado con entornos cloud como Amazon Web Services.
  • Freelance Developer
    Freelance BE Developer
    October 2021 - Today (3 years and 1 month)
    Development of a B2B e-commerce application for a fashion company, based on scalable Spring Boot (2.7) REST API microservices developed in Kotlin (1.7).

    The platform is composed by a "core" project (a Spring-Boot starter library with all the common components and services shared by all the microservices) and a set of microservices focused on specific business areas.

    Some of the features I have worked on are:
    - Defining JPA specifications to encapsulate repository queries.
    - Creation of Spring-batch scheduled jobs for handling a large number of records with focus on performance and data transactionality.
    - A fully configurable dynamic reporting engine to create complex reports in Excel just by defining the query.
    - Mapping automation with MapStruct.
    - Fine tuning of the Spring Websocket Message Broker for real-time process updates.
    - Configuration of auto-generated Swagger clients to build clients from OpenAPI 3 definitions.
    - Increased code coverage to 90% on average using unit and integration tests with JUnit 5.
    - Creation of the core commons starter library to limit duplication and improve development speed due to the reduced complexity of the new microservices definitions.
    - Impact analysis and technical definition for a new microservice based on the BFF (Backend for Frontend) pattern to increase user experience and performace.

    These microservices are deployed in Kubernetes pods on AWS. This process runs automatically using Jenkins pipelines, but I am comfortable using kubectl commands, and command line in general, due to the fact that I am a Linux user. Finally, all these microservices are fully monitored using Kibana and Grafana dashboards.
    Kotlin Spring boot Kubernetes JPA Spring Batch Elasticsearch Kibana Grafana Linux
  • Eurecat - Centro Tecnológico de Catalunya
    Full Stack Developer
    February 2020 - October 2021 (1 year and 9 months)
    Development of a new eHealth platform, based on Spring boot REST API microservices, designed to provide a common infrastructure and features for all the eHealth applications. Some of these features include: mobile notifications, customizable questionnaires, recommendation engine, integration with third-party APIs to retrieve user tracking data, load balancer, service discovery, security, API gateway, CDN, video calling, chat and reverse proxy, among others. These microservices are deployed in AWS inside Docker containers defined in a docker compose file. The tasks of the role include the development, deployment and management of the infrastructure.
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    Technologies used: Spring boot 2.3 for the backend (Java/Kotlin) and Angular 8 for the frontend.
    Java Kotlin Spring boot AWS Nginx Jenkins SonarQube Redis RabbitMQ
  • Almato AG
    Java J2EE Developer
    September 2019 - February 2020 (5 months)
    Development of new features and lifecycle control of a Workforce Management System for retail
  • University Master's Degree in Computer Engineering
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
    Master's subjects and access credits
  • Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma
    Institut Obert de Catalunya (IOC)
  • Bachelor of Engineering - Degree in Architectural Technology
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
    Bachelor Tesis: Analysis and implementation - Green roofs web application (honors) Finalist in the Catalonia Construction Awards 2020.
  • Bachelor of Engineering - Degree in Civil Engineering
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
    Relevant Subjects: Calculus, Algebra, Structures, Geometry, Numerical Methods, Mechanics, Soil Mechanics and Electrical engineering.