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Jorge Alemany

Automotive Engineer | Project Management
21 projects
1 recommendation
  • Suggested rate
    €500 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Jorge's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
San Sebastián, España
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around San Sebastián (up to 50km)
  • and around Madrid (up to 50km)
  • and around Barcelona (up to 50km)
  • and around Valencia (up to 50km)
  • and around Bilbao (up to 50km)

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Skill set
Jorge in a few words
Mechanical Engineer with +8 years experience in vehicle dynamics development and tyre mechanics within top Tier 1 suppliers, with strong racetrack engineering background in Motorsport -Formula 1 and Formula E.
Vehicle development with multi-body and virtual vehicle simulation tools involving computational modelling within a worldwide leading automotive engineering companies.
Project management involving R&D and operational activities.
    Vehicle Development Engineer
    March 2020 - March 2020 (1 month)
    Viry-Châtillon, Francia
    Simulation in Vehicle Dynamics
    Chassis development Project management Simulation Vehicle Dynamics Canopy Mechanical engineering Data Engineer
  • IDIADA Automotive Technology S.A.
    CAE Vehicle Development Engineer, Vehicle Dynamics
    December 2012 - May 2014 (1 year and 6 months)
    Tarragona, España
    - Design and optimisation of suspension systems, steering, ride and handling
    attributes, with related objective/subjective data. Design of Experiments DOE.
    - Modelling & Simulation. Validation of models against K&C and multi-post rig.
    - Benchmarking of chassis target settings and test track data check.
  • Formula 1 - Pirelli
    F1 Tyre Engineer
    May 2014 - August 2018 (4 years and 4 months)
    Oxford, Reino Unido
    Provided support to the Pirelli F1 activities to enable correct operation of the
    product, as well as helping F1 teams extracting maximum performance from the
    tyres. Allocations: STR, FIF1, Scuderia Ferrari, Red Bull Racing.
    - Analysis of tyre and car performance, and integrity data.
    - Development and improvement of Matlab and Excel VBA tools and
    methodologies for both track engineering and tyre modelling, based on tyre
    and car telemetry data for product integrity and performance analysis.
    - Leadership of trackside assignments and R&D related projects.
1 recommendation

David Jané recommend Jorge

David JanéDJ
David Jané
Drive Me Group
From my experience Jorge is a great intertional Vehicle Dynamics Engineer with CAN DO attitude, SOLUTION driven and a great TEAM PLAYER. He is capable of deading with high demading professional and team challenges. As a CEO you always look for a group of people capable to generate value for your organization, people with inteligents, energy and intergrity. Jorge clearly exceles on that. Do not hesitate to contact me for any further details. David
  • M.Sc in Motorsport Engineering (Grade: Distinction)
    Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom.
    Advanced Chassis Engineering & Vehicle Dynamics, Computation & Modelling, Advanced Vehicle Aerodynamics, Laptime Simulation & Race Engineering, Research Methodology, Managing People and Organisations.
  • MBA
    EUDE. Madrid, Spain
  • M.Eng in Industrial Engineering. Mechanical Intensification
    School of Industrial Eng. Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
    Materials Science, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Hydraulic and Thermal Machines, Mechanical Vibrations, Electronics and Automation Systems. Elasticity and Strength of Materials, Machine Design, Combustion Engines.