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Franklin Villasana Rueda

Consultor BI data management DevOps
1 project
  • Suggested rate
    €320 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Franklin's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Barcelona, España
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Barcelona (up to 50km)
  • and around Madrid (up to 100km)
  • and around Andorra (up to 100km)
  • and around Bilbao (up to 100km)
  • and around La Coruña (up to 100km)

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Skill set
Franklin in a few words
Proporciono soluciones a medida de Data Management y Business Intelligence a diferentes modelos de negocio. Con más de 12 años de experiencia, aumento el valor del activo más importante de la empresa: Los datos. Tengo un ámplio expertise en Oracle, Informatica Powercenter, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Snowflake, Exasol, Tibco EBX, soluciones Data Management, SAP Business Objects, Microstrategy, Shell scripting, PL/SQL, Python, Perl y Javascript.
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    Business Intelligence Senior Consultant
    February 2021 - February 2023 (1 year and 12 months)
    Múnich, BY, Alemania
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    In addition, a successfully implemented numerous process improvements that significantly impacted the organization's productivity. By streamlining workflows and enhancing automated reporting accuracy, the timeline to market increased by 25%, alleviated production bottlenecks by 50%, and improved reporting accuracy by 95%.
    All the extensive skill set includes expertise in Informatica PowerCenter, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SAP BO, Shellscript, UNIX, Agile, and Project Management. Dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements in union with a passion for delivering high-quality results that exceed expectations.
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  • Otto GmbH & Co KG
    Business Intelligence Data Engineer
    September 2020 - May 2022 (1 year and 9 months)
    Dresde, SN, Alemania
    Desarrollo y gestión de aplicaciones de Business Intelligence a través de Google Cloud Platform, migración de datos y expertise en bases de datos Data Vault.
    ETL Google cloud BigQuery Terraform Teradata Oracle Exasol Jenkins
  • Zurich Seguros España
    Business Intelligence DEVOPS Consultant
    October 2019 - May 2021 (1 year and 8 months)
    Barcelona, España
    Consultoría, gestión operativa, desarrollo y puesta a punto de aplicaciones ETL desarrolladas en POWERCENTER, SALESFORCE y MDM Desarrolladas en TIBCO EBX. Soporte en segundo nivel de incidencias.
    DevOps Microsoft Azure Business intelligence Microstrategy Informatica Powercenter Tibco EBX MDM Salesforce Hadoop IBM Db2 Splunk TWS Service Now BitBucket
1 project on Malt
  • Quality

  • Respects deadlines

  • Communication


Alfonso-AFOONE ESPAÑA SL - CIF B06829303


Todo el proyecto perfecto. Muy buena comunicación

  • Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión
  • Master en Business Intelligence
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid