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Francisco Javier Gómez De Los Infantes Troncoso

Planner y Director Creativo
21 projects
  • Suggested rate
    €300 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Francisco Javier's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Las Rozas de Madrid, España
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Las Rozas de Madrid (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Francisco Javier in a few words
Hi there!,

There is no such thing as an emotionless purchase!

This is something inherent to our lives that many marketers often seam to forget.
We buy, not only to meet our basic needs, but also to attain self-realization, joy and happiness.

It is in this realm where great opportunities lie for ambitious brands.

Knowing how to squeeze insights, barriers and drivers along the customer journey is key to fully understand how to change behaviour: Inspire, attract, sell, engage, and experience…

I’ve spent the past 30 years helping brands navigate the customer journey, finding the right moments to act and developing disruptive activations to accomplish all kinds of marketing goals...

An expertise which I would love to offer to your brand now
  • Distintas agencias multinacionales e independientes de activación, comunicación y promoción de ventas
    Director Creativo y Planner estratégico
    March 1993 - November 2018 (25 years and 8 months)
    Madrid, España
    Dirección general creativa y estratégica de todo producto creativo de la agencia. Más de 30 años de experiencia colaborando con todo tipo de sectores y marcas.
    Experto en el entendimiento del customer journey y en el diseño de acciones especiales para reactivar la demanda en cada uno de los touchpoints activables.
    Planificación estratégica creatividad customer journey
21 projects on Malt
  • Quality

  • Respects deadlines

  • Communication

  • Marketing y Publicidad