- confidentialIT DeveloperMEDICALApril 2017 - June 2017 (3 months)Madrid, EspañaNew android application, tablet mainly, for a dental clinic to collect all the data from new clients including some surveys regarding their health and storage them in an internal server with mysql.
- ConfidencialIT DB ConsultantSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGApril 2017 - August 2017 (5 months)Madrid, EspañaDatabase postgreSQL migration to SQL Server. Client need move all the structure and data from a PostgreSQL database to SQL Server 2012 to connect with their already developments
- ConfidencialSpanish partnerENTERTAINMENT & LEISURESeptember 2017 - Today (7 years and 6 months)Madrid, EspañaUK company without direct employees in Spain. I work with them to help them in all their spanish clients request mainly for onsite IT support
- Mobile developerKeepCodingBootcamp en desarrollo de aplicaciones moviles incluyendo entorno back-end donde refuerzo mis conocimientos en desarrollos Android e iOS.
- COBOLIBM2002Diferentes cursos de COBOL, CICS y DB2 en entornos Mainframe ofrecidos por IBM realizados entre el año 2000 y 2002