- Esther Ferrer - Psicóloga & CoachPsicóloga & CoachDecember 2023 - Today (1 year and 2 months)Te mereces liberarte de las inseguridades y ser la capitana de tu vida. Te enseño a navegar hacia la vida que quieres Nos conocemos? Web: estherferrercoaching.com
- UPCnetHuman Resources TechnicianMarch 2018 - Today (6 years and 11 months)Barcelona, Spain
- SlashMobilityTalent Office ManagerJanuary 2017 - March 2018 (1 year and 2 months)Boston, MA 02163, USA- Hiring process: evaluation of company needs with Area Managers, interview and prepare reports of the candidates. Recruitment of IT profiles such as Angular.js Developers, React.js Developers, iOS Developer, Android Developer...- Onboarding process (welcoming pack)- Prepare contracts and payroll incidents (contact with the processing agency)- Develop Labour Risk Prevention policies (PRL)- Human Talent Managment- Labour Managment (contracts, absence, absenteeism, IT..)- Transmit Corporate values- Detection of training needs and desing of training policies.
- Master's degree, Labour Risk PreventionUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya2020Master's degree, Labour Risk Prevention
- Monográfico en Compensación y BeneficiosCEF Centro de Estudios Financieros2018Monográfico en Compensación y Beneficios
- Bachelor of Science in Human Resources ManagementEADA BUSINESS SCHOOL2015Master's degree, Human Resources
- Student Exchange Programme, PsychologyRijksuniversiteit Groningen2014Student Exchange Programme, Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in PsychologyUniversidad Miguel Hernández de Elche2014Bachelor's degree, Psychology
- ACTP COACHInternational Coach Federation2022