- Taurus ScriptsCEO & FounderSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGMay 2022 - Today (2 years and 9 months)Taurus is a software to buy highly limited collectibles in online shops. Built from scratch reaching 800 recurrent users. The software relies on a Chrome Extension written mainly in JavaScript. It is supported with a Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage multiple browsers.- Django and Python- JavaScript- Kubernetes- Asynchronous programming- Reverse engineering- Network security- Project tools: Docker, Digital Ocean and Atlassian
- Federació Catalana de FutbolFutsal RefereeSeptember 2015 - Today (9 years and 5 months)Barcelona, SpainRefereeing football matches since I was 16 years old. After several promotions, I achieved the rank of Segunda B RFEF, one of the best national leagues. I have also taken part of mentoring programs for newbies referees.
- GoldenSpear, LLCBackend Developer | Machine Learning EngineerFASHION & COSMETICSFebruary 2021 - April 2022 (1 year and 2 months)My main responsibilities in the company were:- Improve an NLP assistant platform based on a microservice architecture.- Maintain data pipelines for content enrichment features as object tagging.- Solve Python microservices issues.- Refine backend performance.In my last months at the company, my team focused on developing a diabetes prediction system. We conducted a validation study managing electronic health records (EHR). I helped in the first design of Machine Learning models adapting state-of-the-art health prediction systems.- Flask and Python- Node.js- Redis- MongoDB- Kibana- Agile and SCRUM- Project tools: Docker, Jenkins, Atlassian
- Engineer's degree, Computer ScienceUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya2020Engineer's degree, Computer Science
- Bachelor of TechnologyInstitut Puig Castellar2016Bachelor of Technology
- Cambridge English: First (FCE) - CEFR level B2Escuela Oficial de Idiomas2019