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Celine Beauprez

Traductora - Correctora - Redacción (en>fr/es>fr)
  • Suggested rate
    €200 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Celine's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Celine in a few words
Traductora con 15 años de experiencia,
traduzco sus contenidos desde los siguientes idiomas:
Inglés> francés, español> francés

Mis garantías como traductora autónoma:
- más atención para sus necesidades;
- trabajo de alta calidad;
- comunicación fácil.

  • Autonoma
    Traductora - Correctora - Redacción de contenidos
    May 2017 - Today (7 years and 9 months)
    Al contratar una traductora especialista autónoma, se beneficiará de:
    • Más atención para escuchar sus necesidades
    • Eficiencia: Debido a que sus ingresos directos y recurrentes dependen de la satisfacción de sus clientes, una traductora autónoma se asegura de entregarle un trabajo de alta calidad.
    • Comunicación fluida
    • Nuevas oportunidades para hacer crecer su negocio: acceso a nuevos mercados y clientes en la Francofonía
    • La transmisión de los valores de su empresa al transmitir su mensaje de manera fiel e impactante.
  • CommScope
    Customer Service Representative
    January 2016 - January 2018 (2 years)
    Région de Madrid, Espagne
    Managing customer service, sales support, shipping organization for France and Nordic Countries on today's advanced wireless and enterprise cabling solutions.
    Translation / import-export organization (Freelance)
    April 2013 - May 2017 (4 years and 1 month)
    I wish to help companies on their administration/logistic organization for import/export operations: from the order to the delivery, leave it to a professional! In the import/export process, let’s outsource the logistics management and concentrate on the commercial and production sides: - A close, qualified, trilingual, unique interlocutor, who is the link with the official international actors (transporters, forwarding agents, customs etc.) - Analyzing the new export market, targets, competitors, and general environment the company is going to work with. - Finding export financing through public and private entities, and file drafting. - International logistics organization: documents, transport, incoterms, customs’ special features… - Maximum flexibility and responsiveness : immediate support and working - A full prepared and controlled budget, according to your development plan. Language trainings (French, Spanish, English) for business or just to increase your level. Technical translations: from English/Spanish to French, and vice-versa. Any type of document. Translations such as products information, e-mails, internet website, commercial documentation...
  • ProZ
    Certified PRO Network
  • ADF
    WEB Expert
  • CBE
    Enterprise Administration
  • Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail (Toulouse II)
    Master 2
  • Université d'Artois, Arras
    Master 1
  • Université d'Artois
    Licence LEA Anglais - Espagnol
  • Lycée Jeanne d'Arc, Arras