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Aldana Fiandrino

Senior UX - UI Designer
  • Suggested rate
    €200 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Aldana's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Barcelona, CT, España
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Aldana in a few words
I'm Aldana, multidisciplinary Senior Graphic Designer with a wide range of expertise on the field. I've a good eye for details, definitely love typography, always being innovative and creative.

I have a degree in Graphic Design and I take courses where I learn all about User Experience and User Interface Design.

During my 10 years experience as a designer I worked in different agencies and also I develop an independent career.

My strong portfolio includes responsible websites design, apps, editorial design, digital content, infographics and branding development.

Today, I’m looking for new and exciting challenges to keep learning and improving myself.
  • UX - UI Designer at Mobomo
    UI/UX Designer
    August 2016 - December 2019 (3 years and 5 months)
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Workana is a freelance job platform, where you I was part of the product team working alongside the product owner and the development team. My role was to think and redesign the interface of the site I was on, to design the interface of the app from scratch. He also designed UI components for the site, marketing pieces and mailins.
    App design Web Design Design System Sketch wireframing icons design
  • Product Designer at Mobomo
    Senior UX - UI Designer
    July 2020 - Today (4 years and 7 months)
    Vienna, Estados Unidos de América
    I’m part of the design team of the company where my role is to carry out web design solutions, app design, web apps, for clients and projects in the USA. I work together with developers. In addition to working as a web designer, my role also consists of designing marketing pieces, mailings, website updates.
    User Experience Design UI Web Design ui kits Wireframing Adobe XD
  • Visual Designer at Estudio Fiandrino
    Freelance Designer
    April 2015 - August 2019 (4 years and 4 months)
    Own studio where I address a leadership role coordinating colleagues and projects. From the studio we work solving the communication needs of our clients, thinking of integral design solutions.
    Strong development of web design projects and apps working with Latin American clients.
  • Grado - Diseñadora en Comunicación Visual
    Universidad Nacional de La PLata
  • Certificación - Diseño de Experiencias de Usuario e Interfaces Digitales