- DRVN bvCo-OwnerDIGITAL & ITNovember 2018 - Today (6 years and 3 months)Flanders, Belgium
- Self-EmployedFreelance IllustratorDIGITAL & ITJanuary 2017 - Today (8 years and 1 month)London, England, United Kingdom
- PradaSales AssociateLUXURY GOODSJanuary 2016 - October 2016 (9 months)London, UK
- MA in IllustrationFalmouth University, UKExploring narrative, visual storytelling, and conceptual development in illustration, with a focus on personal style and creative expression.
- Bachelor of Applied Science - BASc, Digital Design and DevelopmentDevine - KASK Conservatorium HoGent HowestBachelor of Applied Science - BASc, Digital Design and Development, Year 1 Completed
- Associate's degree, Fashion Design & Product DevelopmentThe Chinese University of Hong Kong2011Associate's degree, Fashion Design & Product Development - Year 3
- Professional Diploma in FashionDesignHong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)2008Professional Diploma, Fashion/Apparel Design
- English LanguageEF Englishtown2008English Language