- sparksifter.comCTO & FounderTECHFebruary 2024 - Today (11 months)Madrid, EspañaBuild all the infraestructure, software, mvp etc...Using technologies such as: Neo4j, Python, Pytorch, Postgresql etc...
- deliverectmachine learning engineerAGRICULTUREJune 2023 - August 2023 (2 months)Build machine learning models for the food tech industry, data cleaning, micro service development, data gathering, model arquitectura, data presentation
- Stealth StartupEngineering leadHOSPITALITYMay 2023 - July 2023 (3 months)Developed platform for online restaurants tracking and optimisation, competition tracking through web scraping and advanced optimisation using deep learning
Victor Jerez and 1 other person have recommended Roberto
- BSc Computer ScienceUniversity of London2022
- Software Design and ArquitectureCoursera2022
- Calculus Through data and modellingCoursera2022