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Nippun Bhalla

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, UX/UI Designer
1 recommendation
  • Suggested rate
    €200 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Nippun's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Berlin, Germany
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Berlin (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Nippun in a few words
An ex-Architect, now working as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. I provide creative support and visual communication for cultural events, media and entertainment industry.

My expertise lies in visual communication, illustration and digital design. I have designed posters, flyers, social media posts and motion graphics for music and cultural collectives such as 90mil, music board Berlin, Poetry Meets Berlin. I am working closely with all of these collectives on a regual basis to further their brand by creating impactful graphic design.

Some of my key skills include:
  • Digital art and typographic designs.
  • 2D animations/clips
  • Poster & Flyer Design
  • Visual content for marketing
  • Visual Identity
  • Poetry Meets
    Graphic Designer
    November 2023 - December 2023 (2 months)
    Berlin, Germany
    Designed a digital flyer for the famous Poetry Meets. A poetry and Visual art show with a strong focus on musicality in poetics. THey approached me for their last show for 2023, funk & Dance, to create a typographic piece that matches the theme. My response was inspired by vvintage funk record covers with vibrant and chunky typography and bright, contrasting colours.
  • 90mil
    Graphic Designer
    October 2023 - Today (1 year and 5 months)
    Berlin, Germany
    I design posters and flyers for 90mil's events on a regular basis. Most of the visual content I create for them involves illustration skills and typographic knowledge.
  • Ministry of tourism, Bihar
    Exhibition Designer
    October 2021 - November 2021 (1 month)
    New Delhi, Delhi, India
    Designed the Bihar state pavilion for the ministry of tourism, Bihar at the India International Trade Fair 2021. The pavilion design was well received by the public and Bihar government officials.
1 recommendation

Kelly Diepenbrock recommend Nippun

Kelly DiepenbrockKD
I highly recommend working with Nippun! As a collaborator he is extremely reliable, creative, energetic, and talented. I have only the most positive things to say about this work ethic and his brilliant design sensibilities. I would recommend him to anyone looking to work with a gifted designer, illustrator, and creative director.
  • Master of Arts
    University of Europe for applied Sciences
    Master of Arts - MA, Visual and Experience Design
  • Bachelor of Architecture
    Chitkara University
    Bachelor of Architecture - BArch, Architecture
  • High School Diploma
    Don Bosco School, New Delhi
    High School Diploma