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Kumar Shivendu

Sr. Backend Developer - Python/Go - YC startups
  • Suggested rate
    €400 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Kumar's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Paris, France
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Kumar in a few words
I have worked for FamPay and SuperTokens. Both of them are Y Combinator-backed startups. FamPay is a fintech product with 5M+ downloads on the Android Play store. Whereas SuperTokens is an open-source + SaaS software that provides highly customizable user authentication.

I have also built advanced search features for an open-source organization (Software Heritage) which is a part of Inria (Paris). These search features are powered by a dedicated search service that handles metadata from 180M+ software repos. I have also built multiple listers that crawl and ingest 40k+ software packages into our archive.
  • SuperTokens
    Software Engineer
    March 2022 - Today (2 years and 11 months)
    1809 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA
    • SuperTokens is an open-sourced authentication alternative to Auth0, Firebase, and AWS Cognito and is growing fast with 7k+ stars.
    • Implemented easy-to-override recipes for the dashboard, multi-factor authentication (MFA), user roles (RBAC), and user metadata
    • Introduced email/sms delivery, SDK logging, new integration tests, and deployed hotfixes for issues reported by our users.
    • Improved code quality with good software development practices like parameterization of tests, mocking, fixtures, linters, and formatters.
  • FamPay
    Software Engineer
    September 2021 - March 2022 (6 months)
    1809 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA
    • India's first numberless card and payments app for teenagers and their families.
    • We are growing fast with 5M+ users and are lucky to have received one of the largest series A funding that ever happened in India ($38M+)
    • Refactored code and unit + integration tests related to UPI payments, KYC, and asynchronous celery-based batch jobs.
    • Introduced mypy, parameterized, and diff-coverage in CI pipelines to improve the quality and robustness of our code and tests.
    • Wrote scripts to analyze and understand Redis memory usage by Django CacheOps.
    • Researched the bottlenecks in our AWS Redshift setup and the ways to optimize it for better resource utilization and avoiding timeouts. • Deployed a Golang service, debugged its issues, and configured GitLab pipelines for the same.
    • Saved $50k+ annually on Anomaly Detection using an open-sourced tool
    • Tech Stack: Django, NodeJS (Express), Gokit, NextJS, Celery, PostgreSQL, Redis, Gitlab CI, Docker, AWS
  • Software Heritage - Inria (Paris)
    Software Engineer
    May 2021 - August 2021 (3 months)
    1809 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA
    Software heritage is an ambitious project by Inria (Paris) to collect and preserve all of the open-source software ever created. • We collect software repositories from different sources like Github, Gitlab, GNU, Debian, Sourceforge, BitBucket, et cetera. • We have collected almost 12B source code files with 2B+ commits coming from 170M+ different software repositories! • I developed advanced search features on top of our software archive which is the largest on the Planet. • Ingested data from different swh services through Kafka and their native RPC APIs. • Designed a grammar and a parser for the custom search query language which can be parsed and directly translated into Elasticsearch DSL. • Built auto complete features to guide the users while writing their queries (using a WebAssembly version of the same parser)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
    Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai
    B.Tech, Computer Science