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Fran Beauchamp

HR Consultant FCIPD
  • Suggested rate
    €540 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Fran's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Fran in a few words
A Fellow CIPD qualified senior HR professional offering HR services to startups and larger organisations seeking HR support, either for specific projects or ongoing HR functional work. Experience working across global complex matrix organisations with sometimes blurred lines with the ability to navigate ambiguous programmes. I also have experience of managing and running my own tech startup and understand the complex challenges this creates.

Key skills I can bring to your organisation:
- Change and Transformation expertise
- TUPE Outsourcing & consultation / transferring terms & conditions
- Employment Relations & mitigating risk – group, individual and union consultation experience
- Bid process / outsourcing and offshoring/onshoring
- HR Operations Generalist – all day-to-day operational HR issues
- Upskilling workforce and improving People Management skills across management team
- Performance management, comp & bens, bonus schemes, appraisal & review process
- Large scale redundancy and consultation experience
- Business skills, strategic role in two software startups; investment pitching, budgetary responsibility
- Experienced in complex matrixed global orgs
- People Policies and Processes fit for purpose to suit organisation culture and deliverables
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  • Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development CIPD, Diploma
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    Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development CIPD, Diploma
  • CIPD Fellow
    Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development
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