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Claudiu Cristea

Drupal Architect
4 projects
  • Suggested rate
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Claudiu's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Arad, Romania
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Claudiu in a few words
I'm a PHP & Drupal consultant working as backend developer, tech lead, architect and trainer. I've love contributing to Drupal, mainly to core but also to a lot of contributions module. Proud part of global Drupal community but also involved in the Drupal Romania Association
  • European Commission
    Drupal Tech Lead, Consultant, Developer
    February 2021 - Today (4 years)
    External Drupal Tech Lead, Consultant & Developer at European Commission/ DIGIT. Role: Tech lead, consultant, developer Responsibilities:
    - Tech Lead: Technical coordination;
    - Code review/Quality Assurance.
    - Drupal backend development and consultancy using agile methodology;
    - Migration coordinator;
    - Developing Drupal modules;
    - Site building. Technologies/methodologies: Agile methodology, Drupal 8, Apache, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Ajax, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Linux OS, jQuery, Git, Redis, Apache Solr, Varnish, Continuous integration, Virtuoso Triple Store. SPARQL, PHPUnit. Behat, Mink.
    Drupal core contributor, component and module maintainer
    January 2012 - Today (13 years and 1 month)

    - Contributing to Drupal core. See: #claudiu.cristea.
    - Component maintainer for Image System. See: drupal.git/blob/refs/heads/8.x:/core/MAINTAINERS.txt Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Symfony 2, PHPUnit, Behat, jQuery, Ajax, Twig, Composer.
  • Drupal Romania Association
    Founder & President
    January 2010 - Today (15 years and 1 month)
    • Founded the Drupal Romania Association and served as president of the board.
    • Coordinating the Drupal Romanian Community
    • Organizing Drupal events: conferences, camps, meetings