- European CommissionDrupal Tech Lead, Consultant, DeveloperFebruary 2021 - Today (4 years)External Drupal Tech Lead, Consultant & Developer at European Commission/ DIGIT. Role: Tech lead, consultant, developer Responsibilities:- Tech Lead: Technical coordination;- Code review/Quality Assurance.- Drupal backend development and consultancy using agile methodology;- Migration coordinator;- Developing Drupal modules;- Site building. Technologies/methodologies: Agile methodology, Drupal 8, Apache, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Ajax, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Linux OS, jQuery, Git, Redis, Apache Solr, Varnish, Continuous integration, Virtuoso Triple Store. SPARQL, PHPUnit. Behat, Mink.
- Drupal.orgDrupal core contributor, component and module maintainerJanuary 2012 - Today (13 years and 1 month)- Contributing to Drupal core. See: http://ericduran.github.io/drupalcores/ #claudiu.cristea.- Component maintainer for Image System. See: http://drupalcode.org/project/ drupal.git/blob/refs/heads/8.x:/core/MAINTAINERS.txt Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Symfony 2, PHPUnit, Behat, jQuery, Ajax, Twig, Composer.
- Drupal Romania AssociationFounder & PresidentJanuary 2010 - Today (15 years and 1 month)
- Founded the Drupal Romania Association and served as president of the board.
- Coordinating the Drupal Romanian Community
- Organizing Drupal events: conferences, camps, meetings